The Total Eclipse is a Start
Millions of people will look skyward today to witness the solar eclipse. The orbit of Earth and our moon have never been on so many minds at the same time. During this event, we are experiencing something together on Earth as a united humanity.

Exotrex2 – Dig-It! Games
Space has fascinated people from the dawn of time. People from the past spent nights gazing at the heavens and creating meaning from the milky way. For travelers, stars were used as guideposts. Ancient civilizations used them to predict seasons, align temples and marvel at the periodic events like the eclipse we will soon witness today. Not only do we witness this collectively today, we also connect to our ancestors who were sometimes deathly frightened by events like solar eclipses.
Our understanding of what is happening today comes on the shoulders of ancient and current astronomers. Over the course of lifetimes, they studied and observed space. No longer are we fearful of what we are about to observe. In fact, we are welcoming this once considered sign of doom-and-gloom. We here at Dig-It! Games® are also excited to be witnessing this rare event and one of our colleagues has been walking around with eclipse glasses in his pocket for weeks in great anticipation!

Exotrex2 Dig-It! Games
We have many people to thank for our current understanding of space and we have been fortunate at Dig-It! Games to have teamed up with an amazing astrophysicist in the making of our game Exotrex™. Dr. Hakeem Oluseyi is an accomplished astrophysicist, cosmologist, inventor and currently an educator working with NASA who became the voice of our main character Dr. Gerald Burke. It was great to work with him on the first episode of Exotrex and also to introduce him to students at Roosevelt High School in Washington, D.C. to share his love for science and his life’s journey!
Exotrex challenges students to train as astronauts in preparation for an epic journey to find a new planet after life on Earth has become unsustainable. It is an exciting and challenging program that prepares students for this harrowing mission.

Exotrex2 Dig-It! Games
However, the fun and challenge does not stop there! It is with great pleasure that we announce that Exotrex2™ is now available for you to play! Continue the quest to find a new planet for humanity by traveling to Mars, Titan, Mercury and Venus and explore the physical and chemical composition of each destination. Collect your evidence and report your findings back to Dr. Burke. Carefully land probes on distant planets, navigate land rovers to collect planetary samples and analyze their chemical composition all while exploring the entire solar system! It will get you up in the stars much like our ancestors would have liked to do and much like many of us would like to do on a day like today!
After you watch the eclipse, get inspired and journey through space by playing Exotrex2 Today!